RPSHE and Well-being Ambition
At Buckton Fields Primary School, our children’s well-being is the highest importance to us and we promote positive well-being in everything we do. Our ambition is to create confident, resilient and empathetic learners who know how to look after their physical and mental well-being.
Relationships Education – a compulsory curriculum area – is designed to help children grow up healthy, happy and safe, preparing them for their adult lives. Relationships teaching also aims to:
Also included within this curriculum area is the opportunity to learn about equality and diversity, using appropriate language. By the time children finish primary school, they will have been taught about family and relationships including:
As part of the RPHSE curriculum children also learn about:
RPSHE and Well-being Implementation
We teach RPHSE weekly, covering different themes across the term. Children work on all areas throughout the year, building knowledge and understanding, and we revisit termly to consolidate and embed learning.
Following a consultation on our Relationship Education policy, our Trust policy was approved. The consultation agreed that at Buckton Fields, we would teach only the statutory Relationships & Health Education, and not cover the Sex Education elements that are non-statutory. Please see the DfE link for further information regarding statutory and non-statutory curriculum elements here
Please see the Trust Policy and Curriculum documents below for further clarification:
P5 Relationships Education Policy
Whole school – Long Term Plan RPHSE
Included in our RPSHE curriculum is a focus on the five ways to wellbeing which are:
Connect – This element is all about connecting with ourselves and others
Be Active – Learning how to look after our physical well-being
Take Notice – This element provides our children with opportunities to take note of what is happening around them and how our actions and decisions have an impact on others
Keep Learning – In these sessions, children will learn something new outside of our school curriculum
Give: Children will link with a charitable project and participate in community life.
RPSHE and Wellbeing Impact
Our Relationships Education helps children to flourish and grow into healthy, happy and safe young people, prepared for the next stage in their school careers. The curriculum encourages independence, resilience and empathy towards others, we well as how to contribute positively towards society.